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第13集 第12集 第11集 第10集 第09集 第08集 第07集 第06集 第05集 第04集 第03集 第02集 第01集


When one is in search of what he needs, only to find it when he returns home.   This is a story of a man who es back home to rever from big city life. But it’s not that easy when he has to fight for the things that he thought were supposed to be given. He has to work through this farming challenge to claim it back. His friends and family are all there to help him. Somehow wi...
别名:To me, it’s simply you,MON RUK NONG PAK KA YANG,田园爱情,想知道伊森情歌好看吗?请看关键词:泰剧,电视剧,厌倦都市生活的几对青年男女农村生活,Bow。



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